Friday, September 19, 2008

Introduction WIP

skip my explanation if you're too lazy XD

hi, everyone, i'm going back to writing again. need lots of criticism and suggestions, so anything, as long as its constructive, is welcome. don't be too harsh on me, i'm not a serious writer! (just kidding, you can be as harsh as you want :] ) anyway, this is the intro to a most likely longer story than lilys, which you can find in my archive if you're interested (lily will also show up as a side character later on). don't be deceived by the short length, this is more of a prologue/test run to see what people think of this so far :D this is most definitely a work in progress, as this is barely revised, and i still have lots of outlining to do. have fun reading this!


Rule of life #1: Don’t switch schools in high school. (Or even better, don’t switch schools at all).

To anyone who hasn’t had the lovely experience of being the new (and only Asian) kid in a strictly Caucasian high school while everyone’s staring at you, let me just tell you how lucky you are. I’ve already had to go through this five times in the barely nine years that I’ve been a student, although my mom says that she thinks (keyword here being “thinks”) that this is the last time we’ll ever have to move. One for thing’s sure, though, the older you are, the worse it gets.

I’ll let you in on a little secret to switching schools. NEVER switch when you’re in high school or right about to enter high school. Middle school’s already a little risky. You know how every girl has that dream of being the popular kid? Well, if you’re the new kid at a high school, chances are, that’s never going to happen. Maybe if you have an ultra-powerful guardian angel or something. But since when has that ever happened? Definitely not in my lifetime.

The thing is, most of your usual cliques are already fully formed by the time you’re in high school. K through 5 is a breeze compared to high school. It’s easy to make friends then. Just share your crayons with everyone in your class, don’t steal your classmate’s juice box, and you’ll have friends in no time. Plus, there’s no discrimination against who should be friends with whom, unless they happen to have cooties.

And then, there’s middle school, the transition stage from the innocent world of little kids to hellish inferno of high school. This is when you start seeing the beginnings of all of those great cliques that, in their fully-fledged form, never seem to want to admit new members. But you already know about this part, what with the jocks, the ditzes, the geeks, etc.

Which brings us to high school, the quicksand pit of doom for new kids. Hey, don’t complain about how high school sucks for you because you’re in the lowest of the low cliques. At least you’re in a clique, which means you have friends. Unlike me.

The two toughest things about making friends in a new school where everyone already has their friends, is that one, everyone already has their friends, and two, most of the “everyone” aren’t too willing to let you in. I’ve learned this after watching my sister struggle through high school while I was happily setting up play-dates with my fifth grade buddies. And it wasn’t like my sister was anti-social. She just got stuck in that high school pit of quicksand, and couldn’t get out. Until she got to go to college, that is.

But enough of the pessimism. Who knows? Maybe I, the Asian freshman who’s already been marked as the new girl, will make it through a basically all-white high school, avoid the ever looming pressure from my parents, follow my dreams of the future, and even pick up a few friends (or even, dare I say it? A clique of my very own!) along the way. And if not, there’s only four years of pure torture to go.

so...what do you think? :]
by the way, my new penname is now DyslexicCow, although this doesn't mean much since i just thought of it and my e-mail address, this blog, etc., all have different names XD
also, if you liked it, or want to be updated so you can give me more suggestions, please subscribe to this blog :)

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